fee proposal造句

"fee proposal"是什么意思   


  1. The fees proposal is strongly opposed
  2. The revenue arising from the fee proposal will be minimal
  3. Fee proposal under the town planning amendment ordinance 2004
  4. We will implement the fees proposal in accordance with the amendment ordinance
  5. Only after completion of the technical assessment will the fee proposals be opened and evaluated
  6. It's difficult to find fee proposal in a sentence. 用fee proposal造句挺难的
  7. Only after completion of the technical assessment will the fee proposals be opened and evaluated
  8. The viability of the conditional fees proposal will essentially depend on the availability of ate insurance
  9. Consultants are required to submit technical proposals and fee proposals in separate sealed envelopes
  10. Consultants are required to submit technical proposals and fee proposals in separate sealed envelopes
  11. Background brief on " fee proposal under the town planning amendment ordinance 2004 " prepared by the legislative council secretariat
    立法会秘书处拟备有关" 2004年城市规划修订条例的收费建议"的背景资料简介
  12. Shortlisted architectural and mechanical & engineering consultancy firms were invited to submit fees proposal on consultancy service for the redevelopment project
  13. After consulting the stakeholders , related organizations and the legislative council s panel on planning , lands and works on the fee proposals , the regulations incorporating the proposed fee schedule will be submitted to the legislative council for a decision
  14. The fees proposals , together with the relevant provisions in the amendment ordinance 2004 , were planned to come into effect in the latter half of 2005 , in order to tie in with the completion of the necessary modifications to the companies registry s information system
  15. To facilitate the implementation of the amendment ordinance upon its commencement in 2005 , we conducted extensive consultation on eight sets of tpb guidelines which set out the detailed procedures and requirements of the tpb in relation to the plan - making and planning application process and the fee proposals


  1. "fee n"造句
  2. "fee negotiation"造句
  3. "fee paid"造句
  4. "fee parking"造句
  5. "fee payable"造句
  6. "fee rate"造句
  7. "fee receivable"造句
  8. "fee reimbursement scheme"造句
  9. "fee scale"造句
  10. "fee schedule"造句

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